Let $n$ be a natural number. Let $q$ be a prime not dividing $n$, let $r$ be a power of a prime number $l$ not dividing n and let map the character $\chi:(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^*\to\mu_r$.
Four primality testing algorithms
- for every prime $p$ dividing $n$ there exists $\lambda_p$ in $l$-adic integers such that $$p^{l-1}=n^{(l-1)\lambda_p}$$ in multiplicative group of $l$-adic integers;
- the Gaussian sum $\tau(\chi)$ satisfies $$\tau(\chi)^{\sigma_n-n}\in \langle\xi_r\rangle, \text{ in the ring } \mathbb{Z}[\xi_r,\xi_q]/(n) .$$ there $\langle\xi_r\rangle=$ cyclic subgroup of $(\mathbb{Z}[\xi_r]/(n))^* $ of order $r$ generated by $\xi_r$.
Four primality testing algorithms
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